Service Providers

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Found 279 providers

  • Abbey Road Hospice




    5429 Bush River Rd
    Columbia, SC 29212
    United States


    Hospice provider for the greater Columbia and Midlands area.

  • Elite Home Care, Day Centers, & Transportation - Loris




    3701 Main St
    Loris, SC 29569
    United States


    A welcoming facility for all adults, including employees to visit. Focused on providing In-Home Care, Day Center Care and Transportation needs for Seniors, Young Adults or the Disabled. Providers are First Aid, CPR and CNA certified and are required to complete Caregiver Training Courses including Alzheimer's and dementia care training. 


    Whether it is Medicaid, VA medical benefit, private pay, waiver or a voucher, we are often able to provide the care you require for little or no money out of pocket. 

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